(02) 9451 5076 hello@warringahchurch.com

Your life


Wherever you are in life, you matter and you have a purpose. We want to help you become the person God has created you to be. This church is open to all Christians and non-Christians and we believe the Gospel can impact believers and unbelievers.


If you do wish to know more about the Gospel and Jesus we run discipleship courses that teach you more about Jesus. Let us know.


We welcome all families to the church. The 9:30am Sunday service at our Beacon Hill campus is the most suitable service for families. Children are welcome to attend our Sunday School Class without any notice they can just come in.


We run leadership and development classes. If you are a manager, teacher, CEO or just starting out we have Bible teachings that will help you grow your business and/or grow in your career.

“Therefore, if anyone is in christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!”


About Us

Warringah Christian Church is a Presbyterian Church member of the Presbyterian Church of Australia. The church is located in Sydney’s Northern Beaches. Our church is made of singles, young couples, professionals, youth, seniors, families, kids, locals and immigrants.

We would love for you to join us this Sunday at Church!

Our Vision

Warringah Christian Church’s vision is to be a multi-cultural christ-centred church that proclaims the gospel to sydney’s northern beaches and to the world.


Jesus loves children, and we are committed to coming alongside you as you teach your children about his love and grace. Warringah Christian Church programs are safe, engaging experiences where your child will grow and have fun.

9:30AM on Sunday

244 Warringah Rd – Beacon Hill – NSW 2100

What we believe

  1. Warringah Christian Church believes the Bible is the written word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit and it is without error.
  2. Warringah Christian Church believes there is one God, who exists eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  3. Warringah Christian Church believes that we all are sinners, that we are unable to save ourselves by are own work.
  4. Warringah Christian Church believes that salvation is by Jesus Christ alone.
  5. Warringah Christian Church believes that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God.
  6. Warringah Christian Church believes that God is gracious and faithful to His people.
  7. Warringah Christian Church believes that the gospel is the good news that through Christ the power of God’s kingdom has entered history to renew the whole world
  8. Warringah Christian Church believes that we joyfully invite every person to faith in Jesus, we are committed to serving our neighbours whether they believe as we do or not.
  9. Warringah Christian Church believes that Jesus will return, bodily and visibly, to judge all mankind and to receive His people to Himself.
  10. Warringah Christian Church believes that all aspects of our lives are to be lived to the glory of God under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

We believe:

  • The Scriptures are true and hold the upmost authority over humankind (Psalm 19:7-11; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21).
  • There is is only one true God. He is the Creator of heaven and earth, who eternally exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 45:5-6; Isaiah 46:9-10; John 17:3; 1 Corinthians 8:4-6; 1 Timothy 2:5;Genesis 1:26; Psalm 45:6-7; Psalm 110:1; Matthew 3:13-17; Matthew 28:17-20; 1 Corinthians 12:4-6).
  • All things in the universe exist for the glory of God (Psalm 148; Proverbs 16:4; Isaiah 61:3;Romans 11:33-36; 1 Corinthians 10:31; 2 Corinthians 5:15; Ephesians 1:3-14).
  • All people are sinners by birth and choice 1(Genesis 6:5;Psalm 51:5; Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 3:23; 5:8, 12-21; 7:18; Ephesians 2:1-3).
  • The deserved penalty for human sin is physical and spiritual death (Genesis 2:15-17;Genesis 3:19; Romans 5:12; 6:23; James 1:14-15).
  • Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. He is both fully God and fully human (Matthew 1:20; Luke 2:52; John 1:1-4, 14; Colossians 1:15-20;Hebrews 1:1-3).
  • Jesus Christ death was the sacrificial payment for all human sin. (John 1:29; 10:1-18; Romans 5:8; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Galatians 1:4; 1 Peter 3:18).
  • Jesus Christ has risen from the dead and will return in full glory and power. (Matthew 28:1-20; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-53; John 1:20-21:25; 1 Corinthians 15:12-34; John 14:3; Acts 1:11; 1 Thessalonians 4:16;Hebrews 9:28; 1 John 3:2; Revelation 1:7).
  • There will be a future physical resurrection of the dead. Only those who repent from sin and turn to Jesus will receive eternal life in Glory. Those who do not repent from sin and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour will be raised to eternal punishment (Matthew 25:31-46; John 5:28-29; Acts 24:15).
  • Real faith is in the person and work of Jesus Christ and repentance from sin can one be reconciled to God. (John 3:18,14:6; Acts 4:12; Romans 3:21-26; 1 Timothy 2:5-6).

The story of us

1953 “Ready, Set, Go!”
The first 6 of December 1953, it was held in the home of Mr & Mrs. Pink. Mr Guy Mcllroy he was the student minister at the time. At that time the church was looking for land/place.
1954 “We got a good deal”
We bought the church land for 600 Australian Pounds.

November we dedicated the church building by Rev E.H. Vines the moderator of the North Sydney Presbytery.

After the death of Guy Mcllroy who has 30 at the time the church appointed Mr. W.L. Langley as Home Missionary
Rev A. Ewart Brice was appointed the interim minister.

Mr A.Brown was appointed the student minister.

Due to growth in both congregations Beacon Hill and Frenchs Forest become two separate Home Missions.
1963 “First Keys”
The Manse was dedicated on Saturday 9th 1963 by Mr Norman Monsen, who was the Super Intendant of Home Missions at the time. Mr Walter J Macgregor handed the first keys to the Manse.
The church’s Manse had the first occupant.
1966 “We are Special”
Beacon Hill congregation joined with the Narrawena and become a “Special Charge”
1966 “In Memory”
Mr. Dennis Hesketh was appointed the student minister, Mr Hesketh unfortunately died in the car accident. The church planted an English Oak tree in memory of Mr. Hesketh, this tree that is on our property till this day.
1967 “Hello and Goodbye”
Rev. K.R. McPhail was appointed the minister however he resigned and moved to Dee Why Reformed Church.
Rev Noel C.L. Bell came to Beacon Hill in 1968.
Rev. Paul Logan was inducted as minister of the church on the 25th of October 1973.
Opening and dedication of our temple on the December 6th 1980.
Rev. Ieuan Lewis was appointed the minister.
1988 “Mid 30’s”
Our Church celebrated 35 years and we installed our first Audio System.
The church received a legacy of $27,000 from Mr. Lowbridge from his estate. Mr & Mrs Lowbridge were faithful members for many years and we praise the Lord their generosity.
1990 “Happy Campers”
Our church did a Sunday School Camp for 40 campers.
A legacy of $5000 was donated from the estate of the late Glen Crerar. We praise the Lord for his generosity.
1994 “RIP”
Rev Ieuan Lewis passed away on March 24th 1994, his son Andrew with his wife Jenine and family continues to serve in the church till this day. Andrew is an elder in the church.
Rev Andrew Clausen was appointed the minister.
Rev Trevor Cheetam was appointed the minister of the church.
2003 “We are 50!”
Our church celebrated our 50th year as a church.
2013 “60 and strong!”
Church celebrated their 60th year. Rev. Wilson Fernandes and his congregation (City International Church) start using the church facilities.
2014 “Join the team”
Rev. Wilson Fernandes was appointed Assistant Minister and his congregation merged with our church.
2014 “We are WCC”
Members of the Church voted to rename the church and Warringah Christian Church was voted the official new church name.
On March 22nd 2015 Rev. Wilson Fernandes was appointed the Senior Minister of both Beacon Hill and Forestville congregations.

Our leadership

Rev Wilson is an ordained Presbyterian minister. He is married to Zelda and have two married children Priscilla and Will. With more than 20 years experience in ministry Rev. Wilson has strong ministry skills with deep theological knowledge.

Rev. Wilson Fernandes Junior is an ordained Presbyterian minister. He is married to Zelda and has two adult children (Priscila and Will) and four grandchildren.

Rev. Wilson has a Degree in Theology by the Congregational Seminary of Brazil and has a specialisation in Missiology by the Northern Presbyterian Seminary in Brazil, where he also taught.

Rev. Fernandes is certified in Christian Leadership by the Haggai Institute in Singapore where he trained and studied.

Rev. Fernandes completed his Masters Degree in Missiology in the Presbyterian Centre for Post-Graduate Studies Andrew Jumper, in São Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Wilson received his Doctorate of Ministry from the Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) in Jackson, Mississippi, USA.

Rev. Wilson is an NSW Justice of Peace and an authorised Marriage Celebrant.

Rev. Wilson has pastored churches in Brazil, Australia and the USA. Since June 2015 Pastor Wilson leads a Presbyterian Church in Sydney’s Northern Beaches, Warringah Christian Church.

“My desire for people of Warringah is to meet Jesus and enjoy life with Him” – Pastor Wilson

Andrew Lewis
Phillip MacGregor

Get in touch

We can't wait to meet you.

Please feel free to contact us and ask anything about our church, Jesus or anything else. 




(02) 9451 5076